Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine: Bam! Here they are...

Some good reading, wish I had kept more of the early issues instead of passing them on...

Ordered yesterday (and shipped the same day!). When Jordan Z. came up with a design that has Charlie Horse on a cb750 chopper, I had no choice but to order. Hands down, the Horse has been my favorite rag since issue one. Why? What other chopper magazine runs articles ranging from some 16 year old kid who built his own rat bike, to George the Painter rambling about life, to down to earth DIY tech articles that DON"T include how to swap your stock parts for HD factory approved shiny chrome skull emblazoned million dollar pieces of crap!

The Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine: Bam! Here they are...: "Grip that shit!"

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